Customer Acquisition
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OnDemand Presentations
Being able to not only bring the presentation to the customer, but to be invited by the customer to showcase and sell your product seems nearly impossible. However, in our on-the-go and on-demand society, the need for instant access continues to rise.
Vibes' OnDemand Presentations are designed to provide presentations to the customer - be it a self-guided kiosk or a presentation accessed from home.
Media-rich, database driven and completely Web-based, OnDemand presentations allow your product to be accessed 24/7, to engage customers on their terms, and create new sales to a previously untouched market.
Web-based, database driven content that goes with the user.
Uninterrupted, compelling interactive presentation that showcases the vacation product
Personalized presentations for each target audience (e.g., families, singles, owners/members, trial members, etc.)
Continued customer access to all resorts, partner resorts and leisure products offered as Club benefits, including Exchange Company resort network
Intuitive and easy-to-use interface self-driven customer interaction
“Follow-me” interactivity to make presentation components entertaining, informative and engaging
Flexibility for customers to discover company product and benefits at their leisure, with increased exposure for targeted audiences
Presentation reporting metrics
Ability to offer multi-lingual presentations
Reliable, redundant and secure hosting
Analytical data presented for tracking metrics
Data collection for non-buyer and referral programs
Increase sales
Increase customer affinity
Reduce rescission with enhanced credibility and better product understanding
Provide a reliable and flexible interactive tool to enhance the sales process
Promote compliance through consistent best practices presentations that meet company standards
Gather valuable customer preferences data for future sales, marketing, training and product development
Leverage non-buyers and referrals